When traveling, getting to know a destination through the eyes of those who already live there is always the best option, isn’t it? And when it comes to Brumadinho, our hostess Cida Magalhães is the one who plays this role. Do you know that person that when you meet, it seems like you have been friends for a long time? Like those incredible figures that we spend hours and hours drinking wine and talking about the most diverse subjects?

That’s what we feel after we meet the Hostess. Pleasant to talk to and extremely polite, Cida is always very attentive when leading visitors through the region’s attractions. The self-taught historian and long-time resident of the region has a profound knowledge of the history, culture, and traditions of Brumadinho. After all, she has been receiving groups of visitors for years, guiding them in an increasingly experiential, sensory, and personalized tourism.

Therefore, if you want to live the best experiences that the city can offer in the segments of arts/crafts, cultural manifestations and gastronomy, or even, if you want to visit a quilombo, see the most beautiful sunset, go through the mountains, waterfalls, and take with you in your luggage the stories of the communities and the most curious facts that are hidden in this destination, you have to talk to our Hostess.

Live the best that Brumadinho and Céu de Montanhas has to offer, meet the nicest places in Brumadinho by the eyes of this amazing woman, that aside from having a hat collection (her personal mark) has all the abilities of an excellent host.

How to Arrive :


The host Cida Magalhães

It is great to feel the hospitality of a place, isn’t it?

Maybe that’s one of the most important abilities of a good host.

Cida Magalhães has a deep knowledge of the history, culture, and traditions of Brumadinho.

She is one of those incredible figures who welcomes and leads groups of visitors for fun experiences filled with valuable information about the unique attractions of the destination.

In a high point of the tour, Cida, with her joy and wearing one of her many hats, invites visitors to her charming house full of history and memories.