Quilombo de Sapé, one of the four Quilombola communities in Brumadinho, has a rich cultural tradition and one of the most significant historical churches in Brumadinho. (Quilombos are traditional communities formed by ex-enslaved people and their descendants)

In the experience, the community offers the feijoada, which is a typical dish of the locals, symbolizing the festivity representation, a meal commonly served during the Black Consciousness Festival in the community. It is always accompanied by cabbage, rice, and orange, and prepared collectively.


How to Arrive :


Coffee in the Quilombo de Sapé

How about doing a cultural immersion, experiencing the quilombola traditions and even helping to prepare and taste a typical dish of the village, with a lot of party and joy? (Quilombos are traditional communities formed by ex-enslaved people and their descendants)

This is the experience that the Quilombo de Sapé offers to its visitors. While visiting the quilombo you can prepare and taste a delicious coffee with unique products from the Quilombo de Sapé community, such as the “João Deitado” cookie.

Coffee turns into celebration, surrounded by stories, ancestry, and music to warm your heart and soul!

Quilombo de Sapé, one of the four Quilombola communities in Brumadinho, has a rich cultural tradition and one of the most significant historical churches in Brumadinho. Come quickly. What are you waiting for?