Rodrigue’s Quilombo

Get to know the cultural and religious traditions of the Quilombola Community of Rodrigues! (Quilombos are traditional communities formed by ex-enslaved people and their heirs)
In addition to listening and connecting with the ancestry of the drums and songs passed down from generation to generation, you are invited to make your own xequerê (percussion instrument made from gourd and colored beads).
You will certainly return home knowing and taking in your heart a little more of the rich African heritage in Brazil.
Preserving the Roots of Quilombola Identity
In this cultural experience, the visitor will witness not only local and religious traditions of the Quilombola Community of Rodrigues, but will also have the opportunity to make a percussion instrument, common in Quilombola festivities, which is made of gourd and colored beads, called xequerê. (Quilombos are traditional communities formed by ex-enslaved people and their heirs)
During the visit, which is interactive, participants can handle and experiment with the instrument. In the workshop, each participant builds, learns to play, and even takes home his or her own xequerê.
The contact with the Quilombolas is for the visitor an opportunity to experience the cultural and religious traditions of the Quilombola Community of Rodrigues. It is reconnecting with our ancestry through the sound of drums and songs. You will certainly return home renewed, taking in your heart a little more of Brazil’s rich African heritage. And as a bonus, you will get to know a lot more about the Quilombola culture.
What are you waiting for? Come and get to know the cultural and religious traditions of the Quilombola Community of Rodrigues! In addition to listening and connecting with the ancestry of the drums and songs passed down from generation to generation.