Ribeirão’s Quilombo

The Ribeirao Quilombo brings together to the visitors an experience full of music, joy, samba and dance. (Quilombos are traditional communities formed by ex-enslaved people and their heirs)
The Ribeirao has a funny way of expressing its living way, making, creating and manifesting the tradition and culture.
At the Quilombo, the forró and samba groups are very present on the experience, not only showing the quilombola cuisine with local products, as the delicious feijoada.
In Ribeirão, the visitors will meet the beautiful fish embroidery for tables, with Ronaldo Fraga drawings.
Enjoy and dive into this experience!
How to Arrive :
Celebrations at the Ribeirão’s Quilombo
The Ponte Pedra Quilombola Association belongs to the Ribeirão Quilombo, certified by Palmares Foundation and is located in Brumadinho/MG. It has among its main purposes to promote the economic and social development of collective character, through the improvement, preservation, and exploration of agricultural activities defending the territory occupied by the original quilombo community, in whose physical space they exercise their way of living, doing, creating, and manifesting their faith.
In the quilombo of Ribeirão, forró and samba de roda are very present in our festivities and our proposal for the tourist experience is to provide a moment of music and dance, besides presenting our quilombola cuisine with local organic products.