Casa Rústica

Freitas is a craftsman, artist, and writer. Owner of a great prose, he tells us that he discovered his skills when he was still a child and realized with time that he should pass on his knowledge to other people. Together with his wife, he owns an establishment in Piedade do Paraopeba that mixes the sale and display of antiques with a small flower shop.
The activity carried out together with the artist proposes that visitors talk to him and write phrases and messages that help them reflect. Then, the painting is made, which according to Freitas, gives color to life. The experience invites the participant to feel the magic of the brush and create a record that has the power to edify the human being.
The result is a beautiful frame under an easel that can be taken home as a souvenir of the experience. The activity, which lasts about 50 minutes and can be done on weekends, requires no painting practice.
How to Arrive :
The words artist
Freitas is a craftsman, artist, and writer. Owner of a great prose, he tells that he discovered his skills when he was still a child and realized that with time he should pass on his knowledge to other people. Together with his wife, he owns Casa Rústica, a place that mixes the sale and display of antiques with a small flower shop. There, the artist, who calls himself a “word artist,” does his restorations and paintings, showing off his art to whoever passes by. Together with the artist, he proposes that the visitor converse with him and write phrases and messages that help him to reflect. Then, the painting is made, which according to Freitas, gives color to life. The experience invites the participant to feel the magic of the brush and create a record that has the power to edify the human being.