Assentamento das Pastorinhas (Pastorinhas’ Settlement)

The Pastorinhas’ Settlement is one of the rural references of the family-based agriculture of Brumadinho. With beautiful organic and agroforestry plantations, the Settlement invites the visitors to meet its gardens, fruit trees and native Atlantic Forest areas.
The coffee is served on a beautiful table in Selma’s veranda, composed by local products only, alongside with pacovo (bread with eggs), “cubu”, cooked and roasted corn, toasted banana chips, candy made of green banana, fried corn starch biscuit, carrot cake, “broa de fubá”, among others.
There are still wonderful juices, recent toasted coffee, cassava, cassava cake, cheese bread, banana candy “to eat while praying the whole rosary on knee in the corn” – all of that made on the wood burner.
A really tasteful experience!
Today’s Coffee in the Pastorinhas’ Settlement
Have you ever thought of visiting an farming settlement filled with stories where women are the protagonists? And if in between the conversations you could taste a little of the place’s tradition? Well, that’s exactly what the Pastorinhas Settlement will provide you. The Pastorinhas settlement takes this name in homage to the women that carry within a history of ancestrality, territoriality, and those who dedicated, fought and contributed so much for the conquest of the place that today is a synonym of productivity.
Selma is one of these fighter women, she will be the host of this experience. Besides telling us her’s and the place’s story, she invites the visitors to explore her gardens, trees and the native Atlantic Forest.
Thinking that’s all? No! Besides that, the Pastorinhas prepare some delicious coffee, topped with stories that needs to be listened to around the table. There’s egg sandwich, cubu, roasted and cooked corn, banana chips, green banana candy, fried corn starch biscuit, carrot cake, broa de fubá and others. Oh! I cannot forget to say that everything that’s produced at the settlement follows the ecological agriculture principle, promoting traditional and sustainable farming practices.
You won’t lose this walk that is also a learning for life! Therefore, for these women, the food is sacred, because beyond being cultivated with much love, it’s a synonym of much fight and hope