Aprisco Chèvrèmon

Did you know that Aprisco is the name given to the sheeps and goats shelter?
Therefore, the word Chèvrèmon is the combination of “goat” in French with the name Ramon.
Chèvrèmon: Ramon’s goats. Hence the special name that baptizes Ramom and Cida’s property, where the animals are happy and are treated with great affection and care.
With so much love involved, the Aprisco Chèvrèmon has amazing and kind goats that love some visits. The farm offers special moments with the animals, in addition to, of course, the flavors that only goat cheese can provide.
It’s worth getting to know it and try the natural products from the property, and even take a lot of tasty things home with you!
How to Arrive :
Goats and Cheeses
Did you know that Aprisco is the name given to the sheeps and goats shelter? The property of Ramon Fiuza (rural producer, cheesemaker, culinarian and cook) translates the hospitality and care with these animals.
In this experience it is possible to visit the farm and observe the care goats receive, bottle feed the baby goats and watch all the manufacturing process of goat milk products. Also, it is offered a charcuterie board that includes cheeses, jellies, fruits, dulce de leche and cheese bread, besides the goat milk.
The farm offers special moments with the animals, in addition to, of course, the flavors that only goat cheese can provide. It’s worth getting to know it and try the natural products from the property, and even take a lot of tasty things home with you!