A bistro with surprising new experiences!

Marcela Azevedo is the owner and proprietary of drinks that go way beyond obvious.

She got delighted with the cachaça and gave rise to The Cachaçaria Itinerante, where she has fun creating authorial recipes full of amazing experiences! Its environment looks like an alchemist’s mage room  and there she invites us to meet the molecular mixology and deep dive the textures and drink flavors that use plants from her own garden and locally made ingredients.  Absolutely amazing.

As she invites herself: Let’s drink marmotage!

How to Arrive :


Cultural Baroque

Do you know what cachaça and baroque have in common? Who’s going to tell that is the mixologist and historian Marcela Azevedo. She was the one who researched and created the experience “Cultural Baroque”. Marcela is compromised in giving the visitor that participates an unique gastronomic experience! An immersion in the universe of cachaça and the amazing drinks made by the researcher. Almost like  alchemy, the researcher surprises every moment when mixing flavors, peculiar aromas, giving your drinks an unique and harmonic form.

Its experience is performed in an environment that looks like an alchemist’s mage room  and there she invites us to meet the molecular mixology and deep dive the textures and drink flavors that use plants from her own garden and locally made ingredients.

Marcela Azevedo is known for making drinks that go way beyond obvious. She was delighted with the cachaça and gave rise to her brand “The Cachaçaria Itinerante”. In this project she has fun creating authorial recipes full of amazing experiences!Indescribable! As she invites herself: Let’s drink marmotage!